
What is Reiki? “ray-kee”

Reiki restores and maintains balance, health and harmony at all levels.

Eases stress, creating a calmer and more relaxed attitude to life.

Helps to clear out the “mental dustbin” of past upset and distresses.

Reiki can help with problem solving.

Relieves physical ailments.

Provides comfort and ease during grief.

Brings calm to the hyperactive child, and peace to the terminally ill.

Promotes self-awareness and personal growth.

Brings mental clarity and focus.

Reiki can be used for distant or absent healing

How Does Reiki Work?

Reiki is a very simple, non-intrusive energy treatment that focuses on balancing the Chakras or energy centres in the body.

The treatment lasts for about 1 to 1 ¼ hours, according to individual needs. The client may lie down, fully clothed. Relaxing music may be played.

A sensation of warmth, cold or tingling may be experienced, and a general feeling of well-being. The whole body is treated, not just an isolated area. This enables the energy to go right to the source of the imbalance, and not just to the manifesting symptoms. The Reiki session sets in motion the body’s own self-healing process, which continues after the treatment is over.

Reiki improves all body systems: circulation, neurological, digestive, respiratory and endocrine. Reiki also moves in the deeper levels of the mind and spirit, easing out stress and uplifting the depressed, bringing rational thought and a joy to life.

REIKI healing is a pure energy form. When it is combined with the sincere desire of a healee who is willing to effect a cleansing within their emotional and spiritual consciousness, a total healing can occur. The Reiki practitioner acts as a clear vessel through which the healing energy flows. It is an extremely powerful healing energy that will release negative energies, ignite a total body healing and instill a sense of calm and well-being. To be clear, Energy flows through the practitioner to the healee. It is not the practitioner’s energy that is being transferred to the healer.

What to typically expect during a session

During a session, you will lie fully clothed on a massage table. Hands are placed lightly on or over your body, starting at the head and ending at the feet. You simply rest.

During the session, you may experience different sensations, such as feeling extreme heat, tingling and/or pulsating.

Some people experience floating, along with shifts in energy, mood, emotions passing through. Some people do not experience anything of the above during the session. Some people experience an increase in vivid dreaming the night of and for a few nights after. This is your subconscious mind re-organizing things on a deep level.

Overall, a treatment provides a space to experience different kinds of feelings and change, a release, relaxation, promotes a sense of well-being and undergoes total body healing.

After a Session

After a treatment, it is recommended that you create some space for reflection as a cleansing process is underway. You may experience irritability, moodiness, and/or vivid dreaming within the next few days or weeks as the body is releasing energies that no longer serve you.

After a treatment, it is recommended that you create some space for reflection as a cleansing process is underway. You may experience irritability, moodiness, and/or vivid dreaming within the next few days or weeks as the body is releasing energies that no longer serve you.

Post treatment suggestions

  • Rest (do less)
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Choosing to eat healthy, clean foods
  • Taking care of yourself
  • Journaling
  • Walking in nature

Healing takes place layer-by-layer. As you continue to heal, through additional Reiki treatments or other modalities, ie. shamanic healing, meditation/grounding, you will continue to shift your energy and amplify your vibrational frequency, attracting different things to you and as the outer world begins to align with your new inner self (your soul).